
Strategic Goals that serve the Community

Yamhill Community Care uses a few different plans to help guide its work. These plans are aligned with other plans in the community, with each other, and with rules from Oregon Health Authority. These plans are a way to measure how well YCCO is doing in a variety of areas, both clinical and community, and to make sure there is continued improvement.


The YCCO Strategic Plan

The 2016-2019 Strategic Plan is the overarching plan that covers all CCO strategies.

YCCO Strategic Plan 2016-2019

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and the Community Health Assessment (CHA)

The Council (CAC) gathers data and creates a plan 

  • A Community Health Assessment (CHA) surveys YCCO members and county residents. Questions about health coverage; community needs; health care use; environment and social factors; children and families are included. Download the CHA below.
  • A five-year plan (Community Health Improvement Plan or CHIP) is developed using the survey responses.
  • The CHIP identifies top health concerns in six key areas, as well as methods to reach the goals. Download the final plan below.

The CHA contains national, state, and local data used to create a better understanding of community needs. This document is fully shared with Yamhill County Public Health and Providence Newberg Medical Center. The CAC led a process to collect information about local issues, based on a series of focus groups and a community survey. It identifies the healthcare needs of the Yamhill County-area community members who will be served by YCCO. This assessment was used to create the Community Health Improvement Plan.

2022 Collaborative Yamhill Community Health Assessment

Yamhill CHA 2022 Spanish

2019 YCCO Community Health Assessment

2019 YCCO Community Health Assessment (Espanol)


Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The CHIP is an action plan created by the Community Advisory Council (CAC) using information from the CHA. It addresses the most important healthcare issues and offers a strategy for fixing those issues. This Plan is fully shared with Yamhill County Public Health.

These are the 2023-2027 CHIP Priority Areas:

Access to Care – examines how easily people can get health care and how good the experience is.
Behavioral Health – addresses both mental health and substance/drug use
Children and Families – ensures the youngest population gets off to a good start
Housing – addresses housing insecurity and homelessness
Food and Nutrition – includes strategies to increase access to nutritious foods and reduce barriers
Transportation – creates pathways to improve how people access services and get safely from place to place
Emergency Preparedness – addresses the risks, especially for populations experiencing disparities, of extreme climate changes and natural disaster

Collaborative Yamhill Region CHIP 2023

Collaborative Yamhill Region CHIP 2023 Spanish

Past Reports

Read our 2017-18 Annual Progress Report

Read our YCCO 2021 CHIP Progress Report

Read our YCCO 2021 CHIP Progress Report_Spanish

Read our 2022 CHIP Progress Report

Read our 2022 Bilingual Progress Report Presentation

Read our 2022 CHIP Dashboard

View our YCCO CHIP Dashboard

YCCO CHIP Dashboard Spanish

View our YCCO Progress Report Presentation

YCCO Community Health Improvement Plan 2019-2024

YCCO Community Health Improvement Plan (Espanol)


Community Oral Health Needs Assessment

The YCCO Oral Health Needs assessment was conducted in 2016 and examines the access to and perception of oral health care in Yamhill County.

Yamhill Community Care Oral Health Needs Assessment


Early Learning Hub Strategic Plan

The primary goal of the Early Learning Hub is to improve the well-being of children and families by supporting stable, attached families so that children arrive at school ready to succeed. The EL Strategic Plan guides work through 2022.

The key focus areas are

  • Children enter school ready for success
  • Early learning services are coordinated effectively and focused on creating results
  • Children are raised in stable and attached families

Yamhill Early Learning Hub Strategic Plan 2018-2022


Transformation and Quality Strategy

The Transformation Plan documents YCCO’s efforts toward meeting statewide health goals in the Yamhill County area.

Yamhill CCO Transformation Plan

Yamhill CCO 2022 Transformation and Quality Strategy

Yamhill CCO Quality Pool Distribution 2022


Equity Plan

YCCO is committed to:

  • fostering staff understanding of equity’s value, meaning, and impact in their everyday work.
  • gathering and analyzing available information about the people it serves, using disparities to inform decision-making and resource allocation.
  • continuous, intentional improvement of its equity-based practices.
  • acknowledging that the work of equity is never complete.

offering regular training and education for its staff, governance, and providers around equity.

2021 YCCO Health Equity Plan

2022 Health Equity Plan Update

2023 Health Equity Plan Update

2024 Health Equity Plan Update


Traditional Health Worker Plans

THW Utilization & Integration Plan_APPROVED

Goals and activities for the Traditional health Worker Network to integrate and increase the utilization of front line public health workers who connect members to resources to address their unmet needs.

For more, visit our informational page here – link https://yamhillcco.org/community-programs/traditional-health-workers/

2021 YCCO THW Integration & Utilization Report Updated

2023 YCCO THW Integration & Utilization Plan Update