Keep Covered!
Take action to protect your OHP Medical Benefits
It’s time to renew your Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and other Medicaid benefits! Oregon is working to keep as many people protected as possible. Most people will keep their benefits and there are other options for people who need medical benefits. But you need to take action.
What does this mean for Yamhill CCO members?
You will receive a letter in the mail from the state of Oregon. It is important to open all mail sent by OHP to stay informed about your status and take care of all requests.
The most important thing you can do is make sure your mailing address, phone number, and email address is current so the state can reach you.
Updating Contact Information
You can do that on your own or get free help here:
1. Need help locally? Find your community partner to assist you:
OHP Assistance in Yamhill County Region
2. Online: benefits.oregon.gov
• Create an account or log into your existing account
• Available in English or Spanish
3. Phone:
Customer Service Center
• 1-800-699-9075 (all relay calls accepted)
• Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time
• Interpreters are available. You can also get an interpreter in your preferred language before talking with staff. Find a language line at benefits.oregon.gov.
As a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), Yamhill Community Care can’t directly assist members with redetermination, but Customer Service can help you update your contact info and help you find assistance.
OHP Applying and Changes to Current Enrollment
Applying for Health Coverage
You can apply for the Oregon Health Plan at any time of the year. Enrollment is always open for the Oregon Health Plan.
Apply Online
You can apply for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) online. Go to ONE.Oregon.gov to login or create an account. You can use the online Oregon Eligibility (ONE) system to apply or renew your OHP and report changes.
To learn more about applying online and using ONE, watch the ONE video or read these guides:
- Set up an account (English) (Spanish)
- Use your online account dashboard (English) (Spanish)
- Apply for OHP online (English) (Spanish)
- Renew your OHP online (English) (Spanish)
Learn more about how to use ONE, including browser requirements and frequently asked questions.
Not sure if OHP is right for you? Go to OregonHealthCare.gov and answer the screening questions. This will help you find the application that works best for you and your family.
Need Help?
Trained community partners across the state can help you fill out an application. It’s free. Visit OregonHealthCare.gov to find community partners in your area.
You can also learn more about how to fill out the application in the Application Guide.
Paper Applications
You can also apply for the OHP with a paper application. Paper applications are available in multiple languages.
You can download and print an application or have an application mailed to you. Request a paper application by calling OHP Customer Service at 1-800-699-9075 or 711 (TTY).
Do I qualify?
To qualify for OHP, individuals and families must meet income and residency requirements. Oregonians may also qualify based on age and disability status. The best way to see if you qualify is to submit an application. Go to ONE.Oregon.gov to login or create an account. You may qualify for OHP, even if you have been denied in the past.
Changes to Current Enrollment
To make changes to your current enrollment. Please report changes within 30 days of the change.
You can call 1-800-699-9075 or by secure email oregonhealthplan.changes@state.or.us you need to include your full name, date of birth, OHP ID number and phone number.
If you do not use secure email your information may not be protected.
Changes include:
- A claim for a personal injury
- A change in mailing address or residence
- The birth of a child
- A change of legal name for anyone receiving the Oregon Health Plan
- If anyone in your household has a change in circumstance that means they can get health coverage a different way, such as a new job
- When you get or lose other health coverage or if any other health coverage you have changes (This includes employer-sponsored health insurance)
- When someone becomes pregnant and when a pregnancy ends
- A death in the household
- Changes in your household, including if someone moves in or out
- Changes in tax filing status or who is claimed as a tax dependent
Individuals 19 and older who are receiving health coverage are also required to tell OHP about the following changes:
- A change in the source of income
- A change in employment status
- A change in earned income of more than $100
- A change in unearned income of more than $50
You can also visit a local office and report your change in person. To find an office near you check the list of local offices at https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/Offices/Pages/Self-Sufficiency.aspx
OHP Telephone Customer Service is available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm and wait times may be long.
OHP Information for currently enrolled members
- Are you trying to re-enroll on OHP?
- Want to know more about your benefits?
- Want to see a list of what the OHP does and doesn’t cover?
- Need to know the latest announcements from OHP?
OHP Information for potential members