Funding Opportunities
See below for current funding opportunities available from YCCO.
YCCO Spring Request for Proposals (RFP) 2025: Community Program Funding
These funds support local programs and initiatives that support the well-being of our community members, and that align with our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) (en Español).
Solicitud de propuestas 2025 sólo lectura
Submit your online application today: Only applications submitted through the YCCO online grant portal will be considered for funding. Deadline to apply is April 11, 2025.
YCCO Spring RFP 2025 Technical Assistance Webinar
Discover the YCCO Spring RFP 2025 opportunity, meet our team, and get answers to your questions about the funding application process by watching the webinar below, which was hosted on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.
Watch the Video Today! Click here
YCCO Spring RFP 2025 Technical Assistance Webinar PPT Deck: English & Spanish
2025 TA Webinar FAQ
This webinar is designed to address general questions about the application process, and not for discussing details of specific projects. Please email with project specific questions, or to request technical assistance from our funding team.
To ensure fairness for all applicants, we cannot give one on one advice on individual proposals. However, we are happy to offer clarification, coaching, and support on the application process, including the scored categories and help clarify the different priorities, goals, and expectations of each funding stream to ensure applicants understand how their projects may align.”
Our funding team is available for technical assistance until April 11th at 5:00 P.M.
Yamhill County Community Health Improvement Plan CHIP) 2023-27:
Learn more on our YCCO website:
Community Programs and Funding Opportunities
Grant Review Committee Applicant Information If you would like this application in your preferred language or need assistance in reading or completing this application, please contact
The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be released on March 3, 2025.
We are pleased to introduce our online grant management platform for the 2025 RFP. It will be active on 2/24/2025. All applications will be submitted through our new online funding portal for the 2025 RFP. Please use the link below to register in the portal:
The application will not be available until 3/03/2025 and will be open through April 11th 11:59 P.M.
For assistance with creating your account click here: Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) Tutorial
Part 1: Overview of Yamhill Community Care’s Joint Funding 2025 RFP
Will we get a copy of this slide deck? Yes! This webinar recording and the slides will be posted to our website here:
Can an organization submit more than one application if they are submitting to different funding sources? Yes, you can submit different applications for different funding sources. If your organization is doing that, we recommend to make the project titles very specific and very clear to our staff that you are applying to different sources of funding. Example: if you putting together a larger project where part of it is based on primary prevention and part is a capital or physical resource request, we suggest labeling one applications as primary prevention strategy for project X and the other: new fridge for project X.
If you submit multiple applications you can reuse narrative language around organization project design and outcomes.
Are you able to blend funding for one project? Yes, we have the ability to do that. We transitioned as an organization to a single entry grant application. This give us the option to consider project against multiple sources of funding and we found that because our purpose and priorities between the sources of funding often overlap or are very similar; these projects could be considered under multiple sources of funding. We can create funds or match funds.
Is this sustainable funding beyond one year? Most of the funding available in this RFP is project specific with a timeline for completion. However, with the Community Prevention & Wellness (CPW) Fund, we do have the opportunity to renew funding for projects. It is a simplified process that goes through review by the CPW Committee. We can consider sustainability but when you are applying, perhaps the best approach at this point is to think about what you can accomplish in the next year. Some of the funds do have a time-based restriction like the Early Learning funds that is project-based and calendar-based. If you are looking for sustainable funding that might be a better conversation for specific staff members but we have seen that option in some of the funds exercised.
If one has a capital project and then a project under Tier 1 or Tier 2 – is it better to submit separate applications? Or blend? It depends on the project, really. We have the potential to match or break funds internally. If you have a very clear idea that you are asking for different types of funding and also if you have a clear idea of a budget, perhaps one element of the project is $5k that would be a different opportunity, and another part of the project is $200k then you may want to do separate applications because the higher the value, especially for a capital project or a Tier 2 project, it certainly take more consideration and it would be under more scrutiny because it is a significant investment for a limited amount of funds available.
Can you support multi-year projects? As mentioned, some of the funds do have a calendar restriction where the work needs to be completed by a specific date. Early Learning funds are one of those funds. We can consider multi-year projects, it’s good to note that. As far as the long-term sustainability plan we can’t guarantee that projects will be renewed for funding in future years but some of the funds will have a little more flexibility when the work can’t be completed. Start with the work that can be done this year, and then especially in the budget or narrative of the application, build out the sustainability concept and you can build a multi-year project concept. That is certainly an option.
If you are considering the need for blended funding do you need to submit multiple applications? If you are confused about whether you should do one application or several applications or what would be the best approach for your project(s) please email to start a conversation with our staff. It really depends on the parameters of the project you are applying on behalf of for your organization.
Is securing other funding for the project required prior to submitting an application? No, we do not require matching funds or outside funds. We do find that projects that reflect community collaboration or do have strong financial support coming in tend to be more competitive but it is not something we require before you apply for our funding sources. Early Learning funds are the exception because there is a 25% match required but in can be In-kind. It could be staff hours; we can help you figure that out. Everyone has a 25% match and it doesn’t have to be cash.
If we have a smaller project that fits well under Tier 2 or Tier 3, is that appropriate or are those reserved for larger grant amounts? Match the project to the funding source. With both the SHARE fund and CPW fund in 2023, we awarded several smaller grants. We look at the type of funding you are asking for; is it primary prevention, capital-based, or is it in close alignment with the CHIP work that our community has prioritized. The smaller projects are very competitive for funding in the larger tiered funding sources.
Is the 12 month timeline July 2025 – July 2026? Generally, it is 12 months from the execution of the contract so it will typically run July 1st through June 30th when we have our final reports available but we are open to communication. Our deadline for awardees to sign contracts is generally in July so we might see contracts from August to July or from July to June. We cannot dispense funds until the contract is signed and returned to our organization.
Can CHIP funds be used for capital improvements or only SHARE funds? SHARE is the only fund allowing capital expense, which is really why it’s kind of a special component of our funding.
Part 2: Application Details
If I’m applying for the Community Capacity Building Fund can I also apply to this grant cycle? Will either reduce my chances of an award in the other? You can apply to both funding opportunities and it will not reduce your funding opportunities in either fund.
If I was a THW grant recipient last year, can I still apply this year? Yes, and that goes for any of our funding opportunities: SHARE, CHIP, CPW. Even if it is for a continuation of a project, you can apply. We do have criteria around a current award being in good standing.
Can I apply for the THW grant for more than one project? Yes.
Am I more likely to get funded if I request a smaller award? Yes. We can fund more projects when the award amounts are smaller however we have made significant awards in the past.
What should an organization do if they are not sure what Tier or funding source is the best fit for their project? Contact our staff at
How will the review committee be judging applications? The committee will review applications on a rolling basis from 4/12/2025 – 5/02/2025. Staff will begin reviewing the applications for completeness, accuracy, and for any sort of conflicts of interest . They will work with you to clarify the appropriateness and completeness of your application. Once we make sure the applications appropriately match the funding sources applied for and that we understand the organizations, a spreadsheet is created with all the data to have a fair comparative analysis. From that point, both staff and the Ad Hoc committee assemble to start reviewing and scoring the applications on a 3-point scale.
0 – Did not meet requirements
1 – Met requirements
2 – Exceeds
Each application will be scored by multiple committee members. No applications will be scored by the same committee members. This will keep the evaluations fair and balanced. There are weighted considerations for the priorities that we have from the Community Health Improvement Plan at service populations especially marginalized or historically oppressed people, and how they are being served. Once the scoring of applications are completed by staff and committee members, they are correlated and we are able to create a prioritized list of projects to fund. When we have exhausted the funds based on projects on the priority list then we create a recommendation list to our governing committees to provide an approval. This goes to the YCCO Board of Directors for final approval. Once the Board approves the projects for funding then award letters will be sent out. You will hear from us when your project is selected for funding or is not selected.
If your project was not selected for funding it may have been a great project. There were simply other more competitive projects that were funded in advance. It could be a possibility for you to apply with the project next year or a different project. You always have the opportunity to contact staff and ask what could have made your project more competitive for funding consideration. The technical assistance does not end if your project is not selected this year.
Once the award letters go out we begin working with our contracts and finance teams to make sure we have all the appropriate documentation, a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an agreement for the work to be done then we can send the money to you and then get into the reporting cycle.
Is there an opportunity to see the reporting requirements (if awarded) during the application cycle? We can share a general outline of the reporting template. We do customize the reporting template for the specific project. Reporting is bi-annual: a mid-point report accompanied by an optional site visit then a final report. Only two reports. We don’t ask for quarterly reports except for some of the Early Learning funds. The reports will have specific recording on each of the outcome measures. Most of the outcomes in the original application will transfer over to the grant agreement then transfer over directly to the reporting requirements along with some basic narrative questions. It is a fairly short, streamlined reporting process.
Can you clarify when applications can begin to be submitted and where to access this application? The can be submitted from March 3rd to April 11th on our online portal.
Our current contract runs Sept – Aug. If awarded would we keep that timeline? For a new project, we typically create a new contract representing the timeline because it’s not typically our process to award multi-year contracts.
Are funds direct distributed or on a reimbursement basis for all four sources of funding included in our spring 2025 RFP? They are directly distributed by ACH. You will have the option to complete a YCCO ACH Information Request Form with our accounting department and with the execution of your contract, you do get the balance of your award at the beginning of the project. We realize that a lot of this work is not able to start without the funding in place already. CHIP, SHARE, CPW and THW funds are one-time distribution. When we include early learning funds in our RFP, they operate on a reimbursement process.
What is the cap on NICRA/LICRA/overhead? From the RFP: Applicants are encouraged but not required to demonstrate a 25% match. Matching funds can be in-kind, cash, or cash equivalent. Awarded entities may be asked to produce financial statements reviewed or audited by an external accounting firm upon request. If you have concerns about your agency’s ability to provide a 25% match or limit your admin costs, please contact YCCO staff at . Please limit administrative expenses to 10% or below.
How might YCCO restrict, match, or breed funds between the different funding sources for projects that are qualified to receive funding? We have in the past looked at projects with that braided or matched fund process between different funding sources. So, if a fund has more available money we may fund 80% of a project through that particular funding source and then supplement with 20% from another funding source that is also aligned with those priorities.
What we have seen in recent years from some of our most competitive projects, we’ll focus on those grant priorities for the different sources of funding. So, they will typically self-identify as applying to SHARE funds or applying to CHIP funds or applying to CHW, THW funds.
If by chance you have that process and it’s not closely aligned with the fund that you have self-identified , we can have that conversation as a staff internally, and we may find that it’s qualified for a different source of funding. And so, we could reach out during that time.
Our goal is to support the successful implementation of these funds in the community. We understand there are a lot of restrictions, a lot of regulations, differences between the types of funding.
Would something like funds for interpretive services or bringing on a bilingual staff member to better provide services to our Spanish speaking community be an allowable expense under these grants? In general, it is complicated to provide a sustainability plan for a staff person. So, I will put that up front but Paying for staff time to offer bilingual or interpretive services as long as it’s not a part of a covered benefit already. Bringing in an interpreter for primary care visits is part of the Medicaid benefit and is a right and would need to be supplied separately. But ,for a nonprofit like the SNACK program, that would not already be considered a covered benefit to offer those language services. So, things like interpretation or translation, at this point, can’t think of any of the funding streams for which that would not fit within funding parameters.
I’m with a Grange. We have a food pantry that both members and the community can access, and we hold Veteran’s Breakfasts once a month. Would a request for funds to keep those programs going fit your mission? We are unable to discuss projects in this webinar. Nutrition is identified as one of the priorities for many of our funding streams. And whether it’s capital or more operational costs, those are generally also something that fits within our funding parameters. Please contact us at with your specific project questions.
What percentage of a project can serve Washington County? Yamhill Community Care serves the entire population of Yamhill County and portions of Polk and Washington County. A program could be located in Washington County and still qualify for full funding. So, it doesn’t have to include multiple regions. It just has to include one of our service regions. We have also had successful applicants who are headquartered outside of our service area but serve our population. For example, an organization in the Portland metro area has submitted a strong application in the past because they specifically were able to identify what populations in Yamhill County they were serving. We’re really looking to the impact to those three counties.
Does portal application need to be completed in one session or does GLM allow you to save progress and return later? You will have an account where you can log in, you can pick up where you left off. You will not be allowed to submit an application that is not complete where every section is filled out. There’s almost a safety net built into that process, but you do not need to do it in one setting. You can save and return to the application as many times as you need until 11:59 P.M. on Friday, April 11th then the application will close and you will no longer have access to it. We always advise filling out some of the narrative in a separate document.
Grant Review Committee Recruitment
Yamhill Community Care is recruiting members for our Grant Review Committee (GRC). This committee consists of community members and the purpose is to bring the community perspective to our review process.
Committee members will review up to 6 applications to this year’s spring RFP and will be compensated $40 per application if they meet eligibility criteria. The committee will review applications on a rolling basis from 4/12/2025 – 5/02/2025.
Updated 2/21/2025
Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF)
These funds support community partners who would like to enroll as Medicaid providers to deliver social needs benefit services in the areas of climate, housing, nutrition, and outreach & engagement. Total funds available for distribution by YCCO are $1,881,202.79.
Agencies may apply for any of the CCBF domains, but YCCO has identified the following priority areas:
- Outreach and engagement providers
- Nutrition education providers
- Housing providers
Review the RFP and Budget Template here:
- April 1st, 2025 – Application opens
- 11:59pm May 30th, 2025 – Applications must be submitted
- June 1st – July 31st – Review period (applications are scored and reviewed by multi-agency committees)
- Q4 2025 – Final decisions
YCCO HRSN CCBF 2025 Technical Assistance
Learn more about the YCCO HRSN CCBF 2025 opportunity, meet our team, and get answers to your questions about the funding application process.
When: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Want to learn more about becoming an HRSN Provider and contractual requirements?
HRSN Provider Webinar Presentation
Attend an in-person HRSN Provider Panel Lunch and Learn
April 2nd, 2025
390 NE 2nd St.
McMinnville OR 97128
Register here:
Helpful Grant Documents:
YCCO Seeks Grant Review Committee Members
YCCO is inviting community members to join our 2025 Grant Review Committee. The committee plays a vital role in our funding cycle by bringing valuable community perspectives to the review process. This is an excellent opportunity to get involved, make a meaningful impact, and help shape initiatives that align with the needs of our community.
Committee members will review up to six applications for this year’s Spring RFP and will be compensated $40 per application if they meet eligibility criteria. The committee will review applications on a rolling basis from 4/12/25 until 5/2/25. Sign up today: