A healthy future through prevention and wellness
By intervening early we can change behaviors and achieve community-wide wellness for generations to come. That’s why we support programs that are proven to prevent behaviors that can lead to unhealthy living, but instead encourage a positive way of life.
We work for a healthy community
Yamhill Community Care formed the Community Prevention and Wellness (CPW) Committee to improve health and wellness in our community by focusing on prevention. The CPW Committee identified four key intervention programs to prioritize for 2025-2026:
- Early Childhood and Young Family Support ̶ Supporting families from conception to grade 3, including reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), has proven effective for increasing multigenerational health outcomes.
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs and Suicide Prevention ̶ Teaching emotional regulation in classrooms K-12 prevents negative mental and behavioral health outcomes by focusing on decision-making and self-regulation, positive relationships, classroom stability, and staff retention and recruitment. Our focus programs include PAX Good Behavior Game, RULER SEL program, and Sources of Strength.
- Nutrition ̶ Nutrition programs ensure community members, regardless of economic status, have equitable access to affordable, nutritious food, a social determinant of health and equity.
- Workforce Development (Specifically Childcare Workforce Development) ̶ Our approach aims to address Yamhill County’s childcare desert by increasing the availability and accessibility of local childcare spaces and childcare providers to assure a bright start and secure future for our local children, students, and families.
After investing in these programs, the CPW continues to support other evidence-based prevention programs in the schools and community. The CPW offers a regular grant cycle and makes funding decisions based on alignment with current Community Health Improvement Plans and identified local need.
Our 2024 grant cycle outcomes include $3.6 million invested in a single-entry grant application for five funding streams: CPW funds, Supporting Health for All through RE-investments (SHARE), Community Health Worker funds, Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) funds, and Early Learning Funds. This process supported braided funds with the Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF). Learn more about our funding opportunities.
Positive Family Support encourages parent involvement
The Community Prevention and Wellness Fund encourages parent involvement and healthy families by investing in several Early Learning Hub and Health Related Services programs. Our goal is to serve all families, in addition to Medicaid families.
For questions, please contact the Wellness Fund Development Director, Shannon Buckmaster at sbuckmaster@yamhillcco.org.
Traditional Health Workers
If you have any barriers that prevent you from keeping good health, Traditional Health Workers (THWs) can work with you one-on-one. They provide some health and mental health services. They also connect you with local people and resources.