
Member documents in one place

It’s important for members to have what they need to receive quality coordinated health care. If you need help with a form or in another language, large print, Braille, or a format you prefer, please call our customer service line 1-855-722-8205 (TTY 711)! This help is free.

Member Materials

Member Language Access Toolkit

Being able to talk to your doctor in your language is important.
This toolkit will let you know:

  • your legal rights and,
  • what language services you can get as a YCCO member.

Member LA Toolkit (English)

Member Policies

Below is a list of the policies available to you as a member of YCCO.

Member Forms

Below is a list of some of the most common forms used by members.

Click on the links to open the forms in PDF format.

Health Surveys

Shortly after you enroll, YCCO will mail you a survey about your health. The survey asks questions about your general health with the goal of helping reduce health risks, maintain health, and prevent disease.

As part of your care team, please tell us how we can support your health. Complete the following survey questions. You can complete the survey by mail or phone.

Return the survey in the envelope we sent, no stamp is needed. You can also fax it to us at the fax number below. Care Management is your point of contact for care coordination needs and a care manager is available to you and may call you.

Mail: YCCO Health Survey: PO Box 5490, Salem, OR 97304

Phone: 971-345-5932 or 833-257-2191 or TTY: 711

Fax: 503-607-8336

Email: caremanagement@yamhillcco.org

English Health Surveys:

Encuestas de Salud en Español:

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