Behavioral Health
YCCO wants to support your health and make getting services easy.
Your road to health begins with a behavioral health assessment.
This will help you and your service provider know what your needs are. These services might include individual or family therapy, group therapy, care management, or a variety of other treatment options.
There are many mental health and substance use services that you can get without needing prior approval.
Peer supports and peer-delivered services do not require a prior approval. See the expanding tabs below for more information on peer supports.
To find a Behavioral Health provider you can visit our Find A Provider page or visit our Provider Directory.
County mental health crisis lines:
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency, get help right away and do not wait until there is a real danger. Call the crisis hotline in your county, call 911, or go to the emergency room.
Yamhill County
Polk County
(*After hours, Weekends & Holidays)
Washington County
If you are having a mental health crisis and can’t call the crisis line, call 911, or go to the emergency room.
Live a healthier life when you get help for alcohol and other substance abuse problems.
The first step on your road to recovery is a behavioral health assessment which will let you and your service provider know what your treatment needs are.
If you or someone you love has a problem with gambling, we can help. There’s no cost to you.
The first step on your road to gambling recovery is a behavioral health assessment which will let you and your service provider know what your treatment needs are.
Call the state’s hotline at 1-877-MYLIMIT.
Visit opgr.org/ and you’ll find no judgment, just hope and options for phone support, text or live chat, or meetings and treatment centers.
- Project Able provides peer-to-peer services and supports for individuals recovering from mental health and co-occurring issues. These supports and services embrace human dignity, recognize the capacity for individuals to recover, and promote life-long empowerment. Visit the Project Able evens calendar to find support groups near you!
Activities Calender
- Click here to visit Trevor Space, an online affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.
- David Romprey’s warmline has a caring team of trained peers offers nonjudgmental and confidential peer support every day. No appointments needed!
- The David Romprey Memorial Warmline 800-698-2392
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency, get help right away.
A mental health crisis or emergency is when your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors are putting you at risk of harming yourself or others.
You do not need a referral to get mental health services.
You do not need to get approval from us. You can use those services at any time you feel you are having an emergency.
Crisis services are available for members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Access to crisis services and crisis hotlines is intended to help you be safe and successful in a community setting rather than needing emergency department, hospitalization, or legal system challenges.
If you already have a mental health provider, their office will tell you how to reach them during a mental health crisis.
If you are having a crisis, follow the crisis stabilization plan made with your mental health provider.
If you feel you need help right away, call your provider’s office and ask for an urgent appointment, or call your county’s mental health crisis line.
Polk County:
503-581-5535 (Afterhours, Weekends & Holidays)
Washington County:
Yamhill County
503-434-7465 or 844-842-8200 (Afterhours, Weekends & Holidays)
503-434-7523 (Daytime Adults)
503-434-7462 (Daytime Children and Youth)
Veterans crisis line
Lines For Life
- (24/7 Military Helpline) 888-457-4838
LGBTQ crisis lines
Youth 24/7 suicide prevention resources with The Trevor Project
- Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
- (Call) 1-866-488-7386
- (Text) Start to 678-678
- Click here to begin an online chat
- Click here to visit Trevor Space, an online affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.
What are the most common warning signs?
As many as 80 percent of those thinking about suicide want others to be aware of their emotional pain and stop them from dying.
A warning sign does not always mean a person is going to try suicide, but it should still be taken seriously.
Suicide warning signs include:
- talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
- planning a way to kill oneself, such as buying a gun.
- talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
- talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
- talking about being a burden to others.
- giving away prized possessions.
- thinking a lot about death.
- increasing the use of alcohol and/ or drugs.
- acting anxious or agitated, behaving recklessly.
- withdrawing or feeling isolated.
- displaying extreme mood swings.
Never keep talk of suicide a secret!
If you want to talk with someone other than a YCCO provider crisis line, call one of the numbers below:
- 800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
- 800-273-TALK (8255)
- The David Romprey Memorial Warmline 800-698-2392
For Veterans
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/help-yourself/veterans/
- 24/7 Veterans Crisis Line:
- (Call) 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)
- (Text) 838255
- (Online Chat) https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/chat
- Lines For Life
- (24/7 Military Helpline) 888-457-4838
Teen & Youth suicide prevention
You can learn more about youth suicide prevention at the Oregon Youth Suicide Prevention website: http://www.oregon.gov/OHA/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/SAFELIVING/SUICIDEPREVENTION/Pages/index.aspx.
To learn more about teen suicide prevention, visit the Oregon Suicide Prevention Resource Center website: sprc.org/states/oregon
Help Lines for Teens/Youth
- 24/7 support with Lines for life YouthLine
- (Call) 877-968-8491
- (Text) teen2teen to 839863
LGBTQ Suicide Prevention
Youth 24/7 suicide prevention resources with The Trevor Project
- Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
- (Call) 1-866-488-7386
- (Text) Start to 678-678
- Click here to begin an online chat
- Click here to visit Trevor Space, an online affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/help-yourself/lgbtq/
- (Call) 1-800-273-8255
Yamhill County Family and Youth Wraparound Services
Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to support youth and their families to accomplish the goals needed in order to reach their vision for health.
- Wraparound Flyer: Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to support youth and their families to accomplish the goals needed in order to reach their vision for health. Wraparound is a trauma informed practice that begins with getting to know the youth and family to learn about their strengths, needs, and culture. A team is identified by the youth and family for support and assistance. This team will include a Care Coordinator and possibly a Family and/or Youth Partner, and may include other family members, friends, neighbors, school staff, therapists, church members, DHS case workers, P.O.s, coaches or others. The team will develop one Care Coordination Plan and a Safety Crisis Plan. They will also look at additional supports and professional services as necessary.
Click Here For The Wrap Referral Forms - Systems of Care Barrier Submission FormUse this form to report any barriers that families may be experiencing in receiving the services they are needing from Wraparound.
- Systems of Care Barrier Resolution Diagram: This diagram shows the process of how the Barrier and Community Need Form is processed once submitted.
Behavioral Health Facts
You do not need a referral to get out-patient behavioral health services.
Behavioral health services are available to all members. With YCCO, members can get behavioral health services from our contracted providers.