How are we meeting you where you are?
Yamhill Community Care is your health plan. That means the decisions we make, the places we share our money, and the projects we do rely on your input. This community is our community; our staff and committees have families and friends here. We want this to be a safe, healthy place to live, work, and play.
We also know that for some people, getting or staying well is hard.
- Living in a smaller town offers a lot of benefits, but it is harder to get “into town” for the things you need. Doctor appointments might require two bus rides and a day off work.
- For others, not having a fixed address means it’s harder to sign up for help.
- Some people have had bad events happen in their families or in their lives that make going to DHS or finding a therapist scary.
- The color of someone’s skin can sometimes mean they get treated differently, or their needs get ignored.
- For some, speaking a language other than English means it’s hard to find services in that language.
- Finding safe and comfortable ways to get exercise can be tricky if there isn’t an easy path for wheelchairs or a safe park to play.
- Having OHP sometimes means people get treated differently just because of the insurance they have.
If you feel like you’re not being listened to, not getting the services you need, being treated differently, or simply need extra support in your care, let us know!
We need your help to improve.
Here are some ways to get in touch:
Call Customer Service: 1-855-722-8205 TTY/TDD: 1-800-735-2900
Email us: info@yamhillcco.org
Join the Community Advisory Council: Email ejohnson@yamhillcco.org for more info
Finally, here are some things Yamhill Community Care does:
- We make sure our staff and the people who make decisions are trained in things like language access, trauma, fair treatment, and equity.
- We use data to understand who our members are, what they need, and where needs aren’t being met.
- We review our plans and rules with members’ best interests in mind.
- We review our staff and committees to make sure they represent all the kinds of people in the community.
- We listen! We reach out and get feedback from members, the community, and our local partners.