
Welcome to Yamhill
Community Care!

We are a group of all types of healthcare providers who work together for people on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in Yamhill County and parts of Polk and Washington Counties.

Get Started!

Your first step is to choose or change your Primary Care Provider (PCP) and dentist for your family. YCCO will automatically sign you up for a primary care provider when you enroll, but you have the right to stay with that provider or choose a different one. Even if you’re not sick now, you need to choose a PCP.  Call them first whenever you need care, they are your partners for good health.

  • If you don’t have a PCP, use our Provider Search to find someone who is taking new patients, then call to tell us who you have chosen.
  • Need help finding a PCP? Just give us a call, we can help!
    Customer Service 1-855-722-8205
  • Review your member handbook for more info about you OHP  coverage

Learn about Language Access with this helpful video!


Are you a new member who needs service right away?

Members who are new to the OHP or YCCO may need prescriptions, supplies, or other items or services as soon as possible.

If you can’t see your primary care provider (PCP) or primary care dentist (PCD) in your first 30 days with YCCO:  

  • While you are waiting for an appointment, you can call Care Coordination at 833-257-2191. They can help you get the care you need. Care coordination can help OHP members with Medicare, too. See the Care Coordination section in the member handbook (page 32) to learn more.
  • If you are becoming a new Medicare enrollee, see the Members with OHP and Medicare section (page 83) in the member handbook for more information.
  • Make an appointment with your PCP as soon as you can. You can find their name and number on your YCCO ID card.

Call Customer Service at 855-722-8205 if you have questions and want to learn about your benefits. They can help you with what you need.

Call us if you need help with

  • Choosing or changing your primary care provider
  • Your plan benefits and how to use them
  • Finding a YCCO specialty provider
  • Getting approval for medical services or supplies or where to get them
  • Prescription drugs or help getting your prescribed medicine
  • Prenatal (before birth) care and participating prenatal care providers
  • What to do if you get a bill from a provider or hospital
  • Care management or other health related services

You can call Customer Service at 855-722-8205 (TTY 711) for help, you can also email us at info@yamhillcco.org.  

Other types of support

We want you to get the best health care. Sometimes that means you might need help getting your needs met locally. If you face issues like being homeless, hunger, or have several health conditions, we can connect you with help.

Visit our Community Health Hub to learn more!

Talk to us, we’re listening

You want the best possible care. That’s our goal, too. Questions? Concerns? Compliments? Give us a call. 1-855-722-8205 Or send us an email at info@yamhillcco.org. We’re here to help any way we can.


YCCO and our providers want you to get the best care possible. 

What is a complaint? 

  • A complaint is letting us know you are not satisfied.
  • A dispute is when you do not agree with YCCO or a provider.
  • A grievance is a complaint you can make if you are not happy with YCCO, your healthcare services, or your provider. A dispute can also be a grievance.

To make it easy, OHP uses the word complaint for grievances and disputes, too.  

You have a right to make a complaint if you are not satisfied with any part of your care. We will try to make things better. Just call Customer Service at 855-722-8205, TTY 711 or our Complaint Department at 833-257-2192 (TTY 711). If you need help in your language, just tell them. You can also make a complaint with OHA or Ombuds. You can reach OHA at 1-800-273-0557 or Ombuds at 1-877-642-0450. 

If you want to put your complaint in writing you can mail, email, or fax us a letter. You do not have to use the YCCO complaint form, you can also use the OHP form.

Send your letter, email, or form the way you want to here is our contact info: 

  • Fax: 503-765-9675
  • Mail: Yamhill Community Care
  • Attn: Grievance Specialist
    P.O. Box 5490
    Salem, OR 97304
  • Email: complaints@yamhillcco.org

*You may have personal info in your email put “secure” in the subject line so your info is protected.

Examples of reasons you may file a complaint are: 

  • Problems making appointments or getting a ride 
  • Problems finding a provider near where you live 
  • Not feeling respected or understood by providers, provider staff, drivers or YCCO  
  • Care you were not sure about, but got anyway 
  • Bills for services you did not agree to pay 
  • Disputes on YCCO extension proposals to make approval decisions 
  • Driver or vehicle safety 
  • Quality of the service you received  

A representative or your provider may make (file) a complaint on your behalf, with your written permission to do so. 

How long does the complaint process take?
We will look into your complaint and let you know what can be done as quickly as your health requires. This will be done within 5 business days from the day we got your complaint. 

If we need more time, we will send you a letter within 5 business days. We will tell you why we need more time. We will only ask for more time if it’s in your best interest. All letters will be written in your preferred language. We will send you a letter within 30 days of when we received the complaint explaining how we will handle it.  

What if I don’t like the results of my complaint?

If you are unhappy with how we handled your complaint, you can share that with OHP Client Services Unit at 1-800-273-0557 or please reach out to the OHA Ombuds Program. The Ombuds are advocates for OHP members and they will do their best to help you. Please email OHA.OmbudsOffice@odhsoha.oregon.gov or leave a message at 877-642-0450. 

Another resource for supports and services in your community is 211 Info. Call 2-1-1 or go to the www.211info.org website for help. 


If you disagree with our decision, you have the right to ask us to change it. This is called an appeal because you are appealing our decision.  

If we deny, stop, or reduce a medical, dental, or behavioral health service, we will send you a denial letter that tells you about our decision. This denial letter is also called a Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination (NOABD). We will also let your provider know about our decision.

You have to get a denial letter before you can ask for an appeal.  

Providers should not deny a service. They have to ask YCCO if you can get approval for a service. 

If your provider says that you cannot have a service or that you will have to pay for a service, you can ask us for a denial letter (NOABD). Once you have the denial letter, you can ask for an appeal

You or someone with written permission to speak for you. That could be your doctor or an authorized representative can ask for an appeal.  You must ask no  more than 60 days from the date on the NOABD letter.

Reasons you may file an appeal:

  • You asked to be paid for mileage for non-emergent medical appointments and you were denied
  • We denied, stopped, or limited a medical, dental, or behavioral health service.
  • You were denied a request for a non-emergent medical transportation service

How to appeal a decision
You can ask for an appeal orally or in writing. Ask us for an appeal by:

You can mail, fax, or email  your letter or form to:

  • Fax: 503-765-9675
  • Emailing us at appeals@yamhillcco.org
  • Mail: Yamhill Community Care Attn: Appeals & Grievance Specialist
    P.O. Box 5490
    Salem, OR 97304

If you want help with your appeal, call Customer Service and we can fill out an appeal form for you to sign.

You can ask your authorized representative, a certified community health worker, peer wellness specialist, or personal health navigator to help you. You may also call the Public Benefits Hotline at 800-520-5292 for legal advice and help.

After I file my appeal what happens? 

Once we get your request, we will look at the original decision. A new doctor will look at your medical records and the service request to see if we followed the rules correctly. You can give us any more information you think would help us review the decision. 

To support your appeal, you have the right to: 

  • Give information and testimony in person or in writing. 
  • Make legal and factual arguments in person or in writing. 

 You must do these things within appeal timeframes listed below. 

How long do you get to review my appeal?
 We have 16 days to review your request and reply. If we need more time, we will send you a letter. We have up to 14 more days to reply.  

What if I need a faster reply?
You can ask for a fast appeal. This is also called an expedited appeal. Ask for a fast appeal if waiting for the regular appeal could put your life, health or ability to function in danger. Call us at 833-257-2192 or fax the request form to 503-765-9675. The form will be sent with the denial letter. You can also get it at https://bit.ly/request2review.  We will call you and send you a letter, within 1 business day, to let you know we have received your request for a fast appeal. 

How long does a fast appeal take?
If you get a fast appeal, we will make our decision as quickly as your health requires, no more than 72 hours from when the fast appeal request was received. We will do our best to reach you and your provider by phone to let you know our decision. You will also get a letter.  

 At your request or if we need more time, we may extend the timeframe for up to 14 days. 

If a fast appeal is denied or more time is needed, we will call you and you will receive written notice within two days. A denied fast appeal request will become a standard appeal and needs to be resolved in 16 days or possibly be extended 14 more days. 

If you don’t agree with a decision to extend the appeal time frame or if a fast appeal is denied, you have the right to file a complaint.  

We will send you a letter with our appeal decision. This appeal decision letter is also called a Notice of Appeal Resolution (NOAR). If you agree with the decision, you do not have to do anything. 

Still don’t agree? Ask for a hearing. 

You have the right to ask the state to review the appeal decision. This is called asking for a hearing. You must ask for a hearing within 120 days of the date of the appeal decision letter (NOAR).  

What if I need a faster hearing?
You can ask for a fast hearing. This is also called an expedited hearing. 

Use the online hearing form at https://bit.ly/ohp-hearing-form to ask for a normal hearing or a faster hearing.  

You can also call the state at 800-273-0557 (TTY 711) or use the request form that will be sent with the letter. Get the form at https://bit.ly/request2review. You can send the form to: 

  • OHA Medical Hearings
    500 Summer St NE E49
    Salem, OR 97301    
  • Fax: 503-945-6035 

The state will decide if you can have a fast hearing 2 working days after getting your request. 

Who can ask for a hearing?
You or someone with written permission to speak for you. That could be your doctor or an authorized representative.  

What happens at a hearing?
At the hearing, you can tell the Oregon Administrative Law judge why you do not agree with our decision about your appeal. The judge will make the final decision. 

YCCO Compliance & Ethics Hotline:

Providers may also report potential fraud, waste, and abuse to YCCO directly. YCCO has an anonymous Compliance & Ethics Hotline available 24/7 in which anyone may leave a voicemail message. This voice mailbox is monitored daily. If you would like to make a report anonymously, you may call toll free (844) 989-2845.

Do you need to make an anonymous report for a violation stated in the Yamhill Community Care Code of Conduct? You can file your anonymous report through Ethics Point by clicking here. 

Are You Pregnant?

It is very important for your health and your baby’s health to get maternity care while you are pregnant.

As soon as you know you are pregnant:

  • Call OHP Customer Service at 800-699-9075. They will make sure you do not lose your benefits while you are pregnant. They can also help you get any other services that you may need.
  • Call your PCP and set up a visit for prenatal care. If you prefer, you can pick your own obstetrician/prenatal care provider.
  • We also have a team of care coordinators who can help support you physically and mentally during your pregnancy. Call  Customer Service 1-855-722-8205 and they will get you in touch with a YCCO staff member who is specially trained to meet your needs. 
  • If you don’t already have a doctor (obstetrician) for care during your pregnancy, use the Provider Search to find one. Need help finding an obstetrician? Just give us a call.

Make sure that you have a PCP for your personal health care as well, visit the Provider Search or give us a call to find a PCP for your own health needs.

Your medications and diabetic supplies

If you take any regular medications, talk to your PCP about what’s covered in your plan.

  • You can also visit our Pharmacy + Drug List page for more drug coverage information.
  • If you’re diabetic, tell your PCP about the supplies you need.
  • To find medical supplies or equipment, or set up mail order for your diabetic supplies, use our Provider Search to find a vendor.
  • Or call us with any questions. 1-855-722-8205
  • To learn more about your Pharmacy and Prescription Drug Benefits, please take a look at the 2025 Member Handbook (page 71).

As a new member, if you have trouble filling a prescription for your regular medication or getting diabetic supplies, call us. We may be able to help with supplies during your start up with YCCO.

Can’t make it to your doctor’s appointment? Make sure to give them a call ahead of time, your provider’s office will help to set up a new visit.

Need a ride to your health appointments? Visit our Transportation page to learn about our WellRide transportation service, or  call YCCO WellRide at 844-256-5720 for ride information.

Help improve the health of your community!

Lend your voice, become a council member. The Community Advisory Council (CAC) is made up of people like you who care about our community. You understand what it’s like to be an OHP member.

YCCO members, caregivers, YCCO staff, community members, and people from other local programs serve on the Council. CAC welcomes all ages, genders, orientations, languages, races and abilities. If you want to be part of the council, please contact us. We want to hear from you!

Contact the CAC Chair
Questions? Contact us!


Third Tuesday of each month
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Online (Please send a request to attend the CAC if you would like the login information)

Your input is welcomed! Contact us to attend a meeting or just share your feedback.

 Request to attend meeting

Yamhill Community Care Does Not Discriminate

Anti-Discrimination Notice

Discrimination is against the law. Yamhill Community Care (YCCO) and our providers must follow state and federal civil rights laws. We cannot treat people unfairly in any of our programs or activities because of a person’s:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy and related conditions
  • Religion
  • Color
  • Race
  • Disability
  • National origin, primary language, and proficiency of English language
  • Sex, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex stereotype
  • Health status and need for services

If you have a disability, YCCO has these types of free help:

  • Qualified sign language interpreters
  • Written info in large print, braille, or other formats
  • Other reasonable modifications

If you need language help, YCCO has these types of free help:

  • Qualified interpreters
  • Written info in other languages

Need language help or reasonable modification? Call Customer Service at 855-722-8205 or TTY 711.

Preferred Language Cards
Preferred Language Card Templates create business-size cards in Oregon’s most frequently used languages that people with limited English proficiency (LEP) can carry in their wallets and show to their health care providers.

Click here to get a Preferred Language Card

If you feel you were treated unfairly for any of the reasons above, you can contact any of the following: 


To report concerns, get help filing a grievance, or to get more info, contact our Section 1557 Grievance Specialist.

  • Phone (toll-free): 1-833-257-2192 TTY 711
  • Email: complaints@yamhillcco.org
  • Website: yamhillcco.org
  • Grievance Policy & Procedure: https://yamhillcco.org/members/documents-and-forms/
  • Mail: Yamhill Community Care Organization                                                     Attn: Grievance Specialist                                                                         PO Box 5490                                                                                                 Salem, OR  97304

If you want to put your complaint in writing you can mail, email, or fax us a letter. You can also use a form it is on our website here https://yamhillcco.org/members/documents-and-forms/  and send it to YCCO. You do not have to have a form you can write a letter or email.

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Civil Rights

  • Phone: (844) 882-7889, 711 TTY
  • Web: oregon.gov/OHA/EI
  • Email: PublicCivilRights@odhsoha.oregon.gov
  • Mail: Office of Equity and Inclusion Division                                                      421 SW Oak St., Suite 750                                                                            Portland, OR 97204                                                                                                                                              

Bureau of Labor and Industries Civil Rights Division

  • Phone: (971) 673-0764, 711 TTY
  • Web: oregon.gov/boli/civil-rights
  • Email: boli_help@boli.oregon.gov
  • Mail: Bureau of Labor and Industries Civil Rights Division                            800 NE Oregon St., Suite 1045                                                                  Portland OR 97232

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

  • Web: https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/smartscreen/main.jsf
  • Phone: (800) 368-1019, (800) 537-7697 (TDD)
  • Email: OCRComplaint@hhs.gov
  • Mail: Office for Civil Rights                                                                                  200 Independence Ave. SW, Room 509F, HHH Bldg.                             Washington, DC 20201   

You can receive communications in other languages, large print, Braille, or a format you prefer. You can also ask for an interpreter. This help is free. Call 855-722-8205 or TTY 711. We accept relay calls.

Interpreters or information in other languages


You can get this letter in other languages, large print, Braille or a format you prefer. You can also ask for an interpreter. This help is free. Call 855-722-8205 or TTY 711. We accept relay calls.

You can get help from a certified and qualified health care interpreter.


Puede obtener este documento en otros idiomas, en letra grande, braille o en un formato que usted prefiera. También puede recibir los servicios de un intérprete. Esta ayuda es gratuita. Llame al servicio de atención al cliente 855-722-8205 o TTY 711. Aceptamos todas las llamadas de retransmisión.

Usted puede obtener ayudar de un intérprete certificado y calificado en atención de salud.




Вы можете получить это документ на другом языке, напечатанное крупным шрифтом, шрифтом Брайля или в предпочитаемом вами формате. Вы также можете запросить услуги переводчика. Эта помощь предоставляется бесплатно. Звоните по тел. 855-722-8205  или TTY 711. Мы принимаем звонки по линии трансляционной связи.

Вы можете получить помощь от аккредитованного и квалифицированного медицинского переводчика.


Quý vị có thể nhận tài liệu này bằng một ngôn ngữ khác, theo định dạng chữ in lớn, chữ nổi Braille hoặc một định dạng khác theo ý muốn. Quý vị cũng có thể yêu cầu được thông dịch viên hỗ trợ. Sự trợ giúp này là miễn phí. Gọi 855-722-8205  hoặc TTY (Đường dây Dành cho Người Khiếm thính hoặc Khuyết tật về Phát âm) 711. Chúng tôi chấp nhận các cuộc gọi chuyển tiếp.

Quý vị có thể nhận được sự giúp đỡ từ một thông dịch viên có chứng nhật và đủ tiêu chuẩn chuyên về chăm sóc sức khỏe.


يمكنكم الحصول على هذا وثيقة بلغات أخرى، أو مطبوعة بخط كبير، أو مطبوعة على طريقة برايل أو حسب الصيغة المفضّلة لديكم. كما يمكنكم طلب مترجم شفهي. إن هذه المساعدة مجانية. اتصلو على 855-722-8205  أو المبرقة الكاتبة 711. نستقبل المكالمات المحولة.

يمكنكم الحصول على المساعدة من مترجم معتمد ومؤهل في مجال الرعاية الصحية.


Waxaad heli kartaa warqadan oo ku qoran luqaddo kale, far waaweyn, farta dadka indhaha aan qabin wax ku akhriyaan ee Braille ama qaabka aad doorbidayso. Waxaad sidoo kale codsan kartaa turjubaan.  Taageeradani waa lacag la’aan. Wac 855-722-8205  ama TTY 711. Waa aqbalnaa wicitaanada gudbinta.

Waxaad caawimaad ka heli kartaa turjubaanka daryeelka caafimaadka oo xirfad leh isla markaana la aqoonsan yahay.

Simplified Chinese

您可获取本文件的其他语言版、大字版、盲文版或您偏好的格式版本。您还可要求提供口译员服务。本帮助免费。致电855-722-8205  或TTY 711。我们会接听所有的转接来电。


Traditional Chinese

您可獲得本信息函的其他語言版本、大字版、盲文版或您偏好的格式。您也可申請口譯員。以上協助均為免費。請致電855-722-8205  或聽障專線 711。我們接受所有傳譯電話。



이문서은 다른 언어, 큰 활자, 점자 또는 선호하는 형식으로 받아보실 수 있습니다. 통역사를 요청하실 수도 있습니다. 무료 지원해 드립니다. 855-722-8205  또는 TTY 711에 전화하십시오. 저희는 중계 전화를 받습니다. 

공인 및 자격을 갖춘 의료서비스 전문 통역사의 도움을 받으실 수 있습니다. 


En mi tongeni angei ei taropwe non pwan ew fosun fenu, mese watte mak, Braille ika pwan ew format ke mwochen. En mi tongeni pwan tingor emon chon chiaku Ei aninis ese fokkun pwan kamo. Kokori 855-722-8205 ika TTY 711. Kich mi etiwa ekkewe keken relay.

En mi tongeni kopwe angei aninis seni emon mi certified ika qualified ren chon chiaku ren health care.


Ви можете отримати цей довідник іншими мовами, крупним шрифтом, шрифтом Брайля або у форматі, якому ви надаєте перевагу. Ви також можете попросити надати послуги перекладача. Ця допомога є безкоштовною. Дзвоніть по номеру телефону 855-722-8205 або телетайпу 711. Ми приймаємо всі дзвінки, які на нас переводять.

Ви можете отримати допомогу від сертифікованого та кваліфікованого медичного перекладача.


می‌توانید این نامه را به زبان‌های دیگر، درشت‌خط، بریل یا قالب ترجیحی دیگری دریافت کنید. می‌توانید مترجم شفاهی نیز درخواست کنید. این کمک رایگان است. با 855-722-8205 یا TTY 711 تماس بگیرید. تماس‌های رله را می‌پذیریم.

می‌توانید از یک مترجم شفاهی دارای گواهی و با‌کفایت در زمینه بهداشت و


Unaweza kupata herufi hii kwa lugha zingine, kwa herufi kubwa, kwa lugha ya maandishi kwa vipofu au namna yeyote unayopendelea. Unaweza pia kuomba mkalimani. Msaada huu ni wa bure. Piga 855-722-8205 au TTY 711. Tunakubali simu za kupitisha ujumbe.

Unaweza pata usaidizi kutoka kwa mkalimani wa huduma ya afya aliyeidhinishwa na aliyehitimu.


ဤစာကို အျခားဘာသာစကားမ်ား၊ ပုံႏွိပ္စာလုံးၾကီး၊ မ်က္မျမင္မ်ားအတြက္ ဘေရးလ္ သို႔မဟုတ္ သင္ပိုမိုႏွစ္သက္သည့္ ပုံစံျဖင့္ ရယူနိုင္ပါသည္။ သင္သည္ စကားျပန္တစ္ဦးလည္း ေတာင္းဆိုနိုင္ပါသည္။ ဤအကူအညီသည္ အခမဲ့ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ 855-722-8205 သို႔မဟုတ္ 711 ကို ဖုန္းဆက္ပါ။ ထပ္ဆင့္ေခၚဆိုမႈမ်ားကို ကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔ လက္ခံပါသည္။

သင္သည္ သင္တန္းဆင္းလက္မွတ္ရႏွင့္ အရည္အခ်င္း႐ွိသည့္ က်န္းမာေရး ေစာင့္ေ႐ွာက္မႈ စကားျပန္ထံမွလည္း အကူအညီရယူနိုင္ပါသည္။


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ፍቃድ ካለው እና ብቃት ካለው የጤና እንክብካቤ አስተርጓሚ ድጋፍ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።


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