
Get support for your family

Personalized home visits, kindergarten transition activities, parent support groups, and a reliable childcare network are just a few of the Early Learning programs you can access.

Below you’ll find programs provided through the Early Learning Hub.

Early Learning Hub Programs

Get a customized family plan with FamilyCore* home visits

Home visitors are here to support parents throughout their child’s early years. Whether the parents have concerns about a child’s development or just want someone to come alongside them as the family grows, there is a program suited for the needs of each family.

Learn more about the FamilyCore home visitor program.

Find reliable childcare

We can help you find a dependable child care provider in your area through a network of licensed providers. Many of these providers are engaged in Spark, Oregon’s Quality Rating & Improvement System.

To receive referrals, call 211 or text “children” to 898211, 7 am to 11 pm Monday through Friday and 8 am to 8 pm Saturday and Sunday.

Help your child get ready for kindergarten

Make sure to register your child early so that you don’t miss out on kindergarten readiness information and activities. Click here to find out when your local school is hosting registration. 

Connect with others

You are your child’s first and best teacher. Parenting groups let you talk with others about caring for your little ones. You can share ideas, tips and stories. Register with Mid-Valley Parenting to join a group today!