Contact Us
Need to give us a call? Dial 1-855-722-8205 to speak with Customer Service.
YCCO and our providers want you to get the best care possible. If you are unhappy with YCCO, your health care services or your provider, you can complain or file a grievance. We will try to make things better. Just call Customer Service at 855-722-8205 (TTY 711) or send us a letter.
If you want to put your complaint in writing you can mail, email or fax us a letter. You can also use the YCCO Complaint form here: https://yamhillcco.org/members/documents-and-forms/
- Fax: 503-765-9675
- Mail: Yamhill Community Care
- Attn: Grievance Specialist
P.O. Box 5490
Salem, OR 97304 - Email: complaints@yamhillcco.org
*You may have personal info in your email put “secure” in the subject line so your info is protected.
Once your complaint is received YCCO will resolve it as quickly as your health condition requires and will send you a letter telling you how it was resolved. YCCO will resolve your complaint in 5 workdays, if we cannot, we will send you a letter in that five workdays to tell you why.
We will then resolve your complaint in 30 days and send you a letter telling you how we resolved it. We will not tell anyone about your complaint unless you tell us it is okay to do so.
If you need help to file a complaint you can call Customer Service, a peer wellness specialist, or a personal health navigator.
You can also complain to the Oregon Health Authority. Call Client Services at 800-273-0557 (TTY 711), or sent your complaint to:
Oregon Health Plan Client Services
P.O. Box 14520
Salem, Oregon 97309
You may also find a complaint form here: https://apps.state.or.us/Forms/Served/he3001.pdf
YCCO Compliance & Ethics Hotline:
Providers may also report potential fraud, waste and abuse to YCCO directly. YCCO has an anonymous Compliance & Ethics Hotline available 24/7 in which anyone may leave a voicemail message. This voice mailbox is monitored daily. If you would like to make a report anonymously, you may call toll free (844) 989-2845.
Do you need to make an anonymous report for a violation stated in the Yamhill Community Care Code of Conduct? You can file your anonymous report through Ethics Point by clicking here.
General Contact Form
If you have questions or comments for us, please fill in the fields below.
If you are requesting a reply from us, we will reply within one (1) business day.
PLEASE NOTE: If you include any type of personal health information (PHI) in your comments/questions below, you will receive a reply from us through our secure message portal. You will need to follow the directions on the reply email to log into this portal and continue your conversation with us securely.