
Yamhill Community Care Early Learning Hub Announces Early Literacy Success Grant Opportunity


July 8, 2024

Media Contact:
Dan Cushing
Government Affairs Director

Yamhill Community Care Early Learning Hub Announces Early Literacy Success Grant Opportunity

McMinnville, Ore. – Yamhill Community Care (YCCO) Early Learning Hub is excited to announce their participation in Oregon’s Early Literacy Success Initiative, offering local organizations the opportunity to apply for grants ranging from $500 to $2,500.

This initiative aims to boost early literacy among children aged 0-6, reduce literacy disparities among historically underserved groups, and provide support to parents and guardians with the tools to help their children develop literacy skills.

“Early literacy is the cornerstone of a child’s educational journey and lifelong success,” said Jennifer Laine, Early Learning Director at YCCO Early Learning Hub. “Through this initiative, we are partnering with local organizations to close the literacy gap and ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.”

Project proposals must align with the vision and mission of YCCO Early Learning Hub and target one or more of the Early Learning Hub’s priority populations, including:

  • Latinx and/or Spanish-speaking families
  • Geographically isolated families (West Valley)
  • Families parenting one or more children with disabilities
  • Families experiencing houselessness
  • Families experiencing mental health challenges
  • Families engaged with Child Protective Services

Who Can Participate?

Applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations, Tribes, or public agencies. YCCO staff will be available to answer questions and provide technical support in completing the application. Applications are due by Thursday, August 15, 2024, and recipients will be announced on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. All projects must be complete by June 30, 2025.

For further information and to access the application form, please visit https://yamhillcco.org/community-programs/funding-opportunities/ or email earlylearning@yamhillcco.org.



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